Up Into the Silence

…pring in Amsterdam. Up Into the Silence is an unaccompanied cycle of seven songs with texts by e.e.cummings. Playful and poignant, the songs explore a wide range of moods and vocal colors. Written originally as a complete cycle for low voice, individual songs from Up Into the Silence may easily (as t…

Up into the Silence

…pring in Amsterdam. Up Into the Silence is an unaccompanied cycle of seven songs with texts by e.e.cummings. Playful and poignant, the songs explore a wide range of moods and vocal colors. Written originally as a complete cycle for low voice, individual songs from Up Into the Silence may easily (as t…

The Tiger’s Tail

…t of the apprehension and excitement which can suddenly wake a dreamer in the dark hours of early morning and make sleep impossible with endlessly running thoughts. The title refers to the expression “to catch a tiger by the tail,” with its intimations of danger and anxiety, its promise of imminent e…

After Alcyon’s Dream

…and Joelle Wallach’s trio After Alcyon’s Dream takes us into a private mythological realm where serene communion comes regularly as balm for nightmarish loss….